January5+ Facts: Price Of Battery Replacement In Electric Mobility Scooters
Apply Mr. Elsey, BL1265 for ap- pointment. General Electric Coy. Ltd. ha" Openings for skilled Clerk with PABX switchboard training. Apply with references, 104 Clarence Road.
Part time a/c- ceptable (seml-retlred persons). Ls required for the screening and checking of motors and electrical home appliances. TECNICO LIMITED, Carrington Road. Mf.rrlckvllle. Certified, residing In Bondi or Parrnmatta arcas. No transport problems.
Applications are Invited for Trainees in Genernl Nursing to com- mence with thc groups entering In January and March. Candidates Spoken with at 9.30 a.m. Daily, Monday to Friday, or at other times by visit with the Matron. Has a job for a skilled Copy Typist, up to 28 years of ago, Ior Invoice operate in Its central city workplace, near Wynyard. TVPISTE, 18-22, required for gen- eral typing and technological collection documents. Shorthand not required, but will be an advantage.
PAINTER (3 weeks) Informal. Leading cash to ideal male. CORNALL, 16 Colwell St, Kingsgrove.
Prices of the appointee and family members refunded instantly on commencing responsibility. Sensible prices of removal ot furnishings and result! Refunded after 6 months' service. STAFF, 17 to ID yenrs. For largo Design Business at Waterloo. Superb leads for advancement nnd excellent salary.
Ask for expert appraisal or phone MA2298. VELOX 1951 Rogue. Car, new ra- dio, exceptionally great caroma electric scooter with seat accessories motor, lea- ther uphol., 1 proprietor. L-3rd Dep.
COLOURING. Retouching. Discover for satisfaction or prof. innlv.
Exceptional opportunities for development. Very good regards to employment. Consisting of life nssurance scheme and charitable non-contributory extremely- annuation Apply edge Pitt and Seeker streets.
Journal, Unison work. 20-35, great solory and leads. General office. Apply Assistant, A. HALL and CO
2nd Year Grad, ₤ 936 p.a. 3rd Year Graduate,, ₤ lpb6 P-a. Candidate needs to have marketing ex- perience electrical cable and cables.
BOYS, 16-17, called for, Cardboard Carlon Factory. Effective applicant will be re- sponsible lor encouraging Administration on all economic elements ol the com- pany. Consisting of thc prep work ol normal month-to-month figures. Quired hy manufacturing nnd ex lover- porting business. Detalla oduca tion. Experience, and so on. And coplCB reference!!.
Make note that a dead battery is various from a reduced battery. A dead battery all of a sudden does not switch on any longer, while a reduced battery has a few power charges left. The latter can just be resolved by charging the battery. Constantly prioritise your safety and security, and, as long as possible, do not touch components that you are not sure exactly how to fix.